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Dissertation Guidelines Awareness

Examine the key dissertation guidelines for PhD students, including language, formatting, word limits, and requirements to meet university standards.

Dissertation Guidelines Awareness

Published 18th Jan 2025

Dissertation Guidelines Awareness


PhD Assistance Academy provides guidance to students navigating the complexities of dissertation submission. This overview outlines key requirements for thesis presentation, arrangement, and submission, with a focus on compliance with institutional regulations to ensure a smooth submission process.

Language of Thesis

Submission in English

  • The default requirement for dissertation submission is in English.

Submission in Another Language

  • Exceptional Cases: Students may submit their thesis in the language of study if it enhances the intellectual quality of the research.
  • Approval Process:
    • Permission must be obtained from the Dean of College and the Dean of Faculty prior to registration.
    • The Postgraduate Administration Office must be informed.
  • Requirements:
    • A thesis abstract and title must be provided in both English and the language of submission.

Presentation and Arrangement of Theses/Dissertations

Paper Format

  1. Standard Size: International A4 (210mm x 297mm) or US Letter (216mm x 279mm).
  2. Weight: Between 70 g/m² and 100 g/m².
  3. Illustrative Materials: Large items like maps or drawings should be bound with the thesis or attached in a wallet inside the back cover.


  • Left & Right: 30mm
  • Top & Bottom: 20mm

Typing and Font

  • Spacing: Double or one-and-a-half spacing, except for indented quotations and footnotes, which may use single spacing.
  • Font: Arial, size 12.


  • Double-Sided: Required for all submissions.

Page Numbering

  • All pages, starting from the title page, must be numbered consecutively.

Arrangement of Content

  • The content must be presented in the prescribed order.
Section Details
Title Page Includes title, author name, degree, date, declaration, and signature.
Abstract Approximately 300 words summarizing the research.
Table of Contents Lists all subsections with page numbers.
Lists Tables, illustrations, and accompanying material (if any).
Author’s Declaration Statement of individual contribution in joint research (if applicable).
Definitions & Abbreviations List of technical terms and abbreviations (if applicable).
Text Divided into chapters and sections.
Appendices Supporting documents or data (if any).
Glossary Explanation of specialized terms (if any).
Bibliography References in the required citation format.
Index Optional, for terms and topics covered in the thesis.

Submission Format

1.Binding for Examination:

  • Temporary binding options include perfect binding with paper or transparent covers, or comb binding.

2. Multiple Volumes:

  • Theses exceeding 350 double-sided pages must be divided into volumes, each containing a signed title page indicating the total and current volume numbers, and spine labels showing the candidate’s name, degree, submission month/year, and volume number.

3. Additional Copies:

  • Students should retain an additional copy for personal use, particularly for viva voce examinations.

Illustrations and Copyright Material

1. Attribution:

  • Illustrations like maps or photographs must include captions acknowledging their sources.

2. Third-Party Copyright:

  • Written permission is required for including copyrighted material.
  • If permission is not obtained.
  • submit two versions: one with and one without the copyrighted content, replacing it with a placeholder note.
Degree Maximum Word Count
PhD/EngD 100,000 words
MPhil 60,000 words
EdD 50,000 words
DClinPsy 12,000 words
MbyRes 40,000 words
Others As specified in the guidelines

Word Limits for Theses/Dissertations

The word count does not include the abstract, preliminaries, footnotes, appendices, or bibliography, but it does include all other content. 

Additional Guidelines

  • Temporary binding must be compliant with examiners’ accessibility needs (e.g., large-print copies).
  • A signed declaration affirming the originality of the student’s work must be included.
  • All submitted theses must follow the university-approved formatting and sequence.


By adhering to these dissertation guidelines, students can ensure that their work meets the necessary standards for submission and evaluation.

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