Dissertation Literature Review – Demonstrate Social Awareness Including Empathy And Relationship Management, And Team Membership

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In Brief

  • You will find the best dissertation research writing areas / topics for future researchers enrolled in Business & Management.
  • In order to identify the future research topics, we have reviewed the Business & management (recent peer-reviewed studies) on social awareness.
  • Self-conscious creates social awareness
  • Social awareness are linked to empathy, relationship management and team membership
  • Empathy, relationship management and team membership are interlinked to social awareness.

Social awareness is a phenomenon wherein one should be able to understand the feelings, emotions or perceptions of others so that they can react effectively (Cox, 2018). This is an important soft science wherein one can be effective by understanding subtle things and the mood and can navigate the situation to his favor. As we all live in a society and every society has its norms social awareness also means an understanding of different social situations, and effectively modifying your response or interactions to achieve the best possible results. Thus an understanding of social responsibility is very important in modern days.

Figure 1 Discuss Source (Created by Author)

Social Awareness

In today’s fast-paced world and the dynamics of globalization, every professional work is required to understand the social awareness and its power. This is also very important as in the world of globalization, we need to learn, unlearn and relearn at a rapid pace to be able to stay relevant to the market and drive results. Social awareness can do wonders for anyone and everyone. To be considered as a socially aware person, one needs to understand the society they work and live in and understand the people’s stereotypes. They should be able to empathize with others and be able to understand cleverly their moods and their mindset and thus would be able to sell their ideas, products better and faster (Cao et al., 2016).  Since social awareness makes one bale to understand and respond to the needs of others, it also generates a lot of faith of others to yourself and the belief that this guy would not do wrong to me.


It is an ability to think, relate and link with someone else’s feelings along with having a re-experience them. It is important to create the competence, ability to link and also subjectively be relating to the ability to listen and transform to what others say creating and linking with the non-verbal signals (Boyatzis et al., 2002). At the same time, there can be a transition to relate with the understanding, having an appreciation, including the key understanding and also ensure appreciation linked to others’ views or issues. Empathy is an attainment to link to have the task that can create conflict. It can also transform the emotional boundaries linked to the start to end.

By understanding the feelings of others, one not only gains their trust, he is exposed to a lot of responsibility and is also looked upon as a leader who should take care of his team and mentor them and guide them through difficult phases in their professional and personal lives (Neff et al., 2007). Thus it is a great chance for a professional to lead a team and do wonders to himself and organization and also to become a better individual. It is a never-ending process and by being socially aware one could read the situations better and understand the mood of people and drive deals effectively or can sell better by presenting in a manner best suited for the audience or tailoring the same as per the situations. There is also dissertation writing company to work on any topic from Business & Management.

Relationship management

A socially aware individual is always a winner in life be it on personal or professional fronts. He would be able to understand the emotions of others and can empathize with the problem one could face and thus be in a better position to handle individuals or teams and could handle situation in a better and phased manner and lead team members to their goals by mentoring them in difficult times and also motivating them to run faster and achieve more in life (Md-Nawi & Redzuan, 2017). Relationship management is a task wherein one needs to demonstrate skills and invest time in people to be able to be seen as a future leader or be known as a good leader. Also due to globalization and availability of global workforce everywhere, one should be sensible enough to understand that certain comments, or gestures would not go well with a person of different race or culture and thus it could be hurting for them and could also lead to being called as a racist gesture and thus landing the person in troubles and probably termination.

Thus all individuals need to recognize the immediate need for understanding social awareness. Many organizations conduct special training on such subjects to make the workforce aware of the changing dynamics of work culture around and be cautious of trouble one could land into (Llorent et al., 2020). Thus social awareness is inevitable and it is all-important for all professionals to embrace it for the progression of careers. Get business management assignment writing for social awareness on empathy and relationship management.

Team Membership

Social awareness is one of the involvements in the team members creating an environment and having a team with the flexible working units and centric to organizations. Due to team membership, it can create again and maintenance to a competitive advantage (Neff et al., 2007). It can link teamwork with the individual employees which can be assigned with one more than one team. Team membership can link to the practice employees and include one team which would not be fixed. At the same time, the team members can result in the challenge to form stability and having a, non-overlapping, and creating an unambiguous.


Figure 2 Interlinking, Source (Created by Author)

The social awareness is all about how the leaders can realize what’s going on and depending on the valuable feedback. Due to the empathy, it relates the team with an objective and motivates them with an experience. The relationship management strengthens the team for the objective and goal of the company and finally a team membership is all about conglomeration of the resources.


Thus to conclude, social awareness can create a vital empathy, interlinking it with the relationship management and creating a team empathy. Through the social awareness it can create an identified aspect of management in the modern-day dynamics and all individuals have to lead a better life and make lives better for all. Social awareness not only makes things easier and simpler to understand, it also helps an individual or professional to understand the mood and temperament of people and drive their tasks and agendas to reach the pinnacle of their lives. In this line more PhD dissertation / thesis or research proposal are warranted. The researchers could take this topic for their future PhD dissertation.

Future Scope

Emotional Empathy creates social awareness (Cox, 2018)

Managing self-awareness with the social awareness (Llorent et al., 2020).


  1. Boyatzis, R.E., Stubbs, E.C. & Taylor, S.N. (2002). Learning Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence Competencies Through Graduate Management Education. Academy of Management Learning & Education. [Online]. 1 (2). pp. 150–162. Available from: http://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/amle.2002.8509345.
  2. Cao, Y., Long, C., Jiang, T. & Mao, S. (2016). Share communication and computation resources on mobile devices: a social awareness perspective. IEEE Wireless Communications. [Online]. 23 (4). pp. 52–59. Available from: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7553026/.
  3. Cox, K.M. (2018). Use of Emotional Intelligence to Enhance Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Competencies. Journal of Nursing Education. [Online]. 57 (11). pp. 648–654. Available from: https://www.healio.com/doiresolver?doi=10.3928/01484834-20181022-04.
  4. Llorent, V.J., González-Gómez, A.L., Farrington, D.P. & Zych, I. (2020). Social and emotional competencies and empathy as predictors of literacy competence. Psicothema. [Online]. 32 (1). pp. 47–53. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31954415.
  5. Md-Nawi, rul H. & Redzuan, M. (2017). International Journal of Educational Studies Available. [Online]. 04 (03). pp. 49–64. Available from: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b758/6b85da687125bec7e85ec682e9cca932823d.pdf?
  6. Neff, K.D., Kirkpatrick, K.L. & Rude, S.S. (2007). Self-compassion and adaptive psychological functioning. Journal of Research in Personality. [Online]. 41 (1). pp. 139–154. Available from: https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0092656606000353.

Business and Management Research

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