FAQS Posed By Students While Writing Engineering Dissertation

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1. How many pages should the Engineering dissertation be?

The maximum number of pages for Dissertation Writing for students depends on the following:

  • The maximum number of pages should be around 70 pages, including references.
  • In Mechanical or Manufacturing Engineering, it should be around 90-115 pages.
  • For photovoltaic and solar energy, it should be 70 pages.

2. What should be the length of each section in dissertation?

Though it is not easy to fix the length of each section, some University/Colleges have quite certain guidelines.  For example:

  1. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (BABS)
  2. Introduction part including Literature Review must be within 15%.
  3. Methods should be 15%;
  4. Length of result section should be 35%.
  5. Discussion part should comprise 15%.
  6. Conclusion should not exceed above 2%.
  7. References should make 15% of the thesis.

For Engineering:

Engineering Dissertation should have the following range:

  • Introduction part should form 3%-10% of the topic.
  • Literature Review should be around 8%-30%.
  • Methods in dissertation should cover 8%-20%.
  • The Result section should be 15%-60%, and
  • Discussion part should comprise 0%-10%.
  • Conclusions should be crisp with only 1%.
  • References part is the main part which should be 2%.

3. How should I arrange my results in dissertation?

The result should be organized from the most important point to the least important one or it should be arranged by answering each research question.

4. What kind of information should the methods section include? 

  • The method should describe the process of identifying the hypothesis.
  • The strategies carried out and the reason for using that strategy.
  • The Research Instruments that are used in the methodology should be briefly described.
  • The procedure and then the statistical behavior should be described.

5. How should I arrange the data in the methods part?

  1. Experimental overview.
  2. Limitations.
  3. Procedures.
  4. Experimental involvement;
  5. Investigation of data.

6. What is the difference between an abstract section and intro part?

An abstract section should contain 200-300 words and should explain about the following:

  • Should introduce about the topic.
  • Should state the goal and the motivation of the study.
  • Explain briefly about the findings of the thesis.
  • Should include some suggestion for the result found.

An introduction part is generally lengthier than an abstract part and should contain the following:

  • Should explain the topic clearly
  • Assessing the knowledge in the field.
  • Specifying issues/problems faced in the recent research.
  • Should explain the goal of the research and how it is emerging.
  • Should give outline of all chapters.

7. Which referencing method should be used in the dissertation?

The supervisor of your thesis will probably let you to follow the referencing system that has been used in the Research Papers in your field. The reference method should be followed precisely, and the journal style that has been followed should be cited at the top of the reference list, so that the examiners won’t disapprove for following this style.

8. What is the dissertation clock?

It is the period of first registration which is nine academic quarters. This clock begins when students start writing dissertation. It will be for around 2 years. All engineering students should register for writing dissertation. The dissertation process starts usually after they finish the Coursework. Students who wish to do registration should contact the research coordinator. If the work does not get over by the end of the initial registration period, students can extend their registration for additional time period for writing.

9. When should I start the dissertation writing?

This varies according to various programs. In some fields, students can register for Writing Dissertation once they have completed all the prerequisites successfully and have got approval. In the other case, students can do their registration once they complete their coursework. Additionally, the students must possess a minimum of 3.0 GPA without fail grades on their record and must be good in their financial standing. Students can do registration for dissertation writing four times in a year.

10. When should I gather my dissertation committee?

It is always a good initiative to have casual conversations with the committee members. Discuss with the committee members about your topic. It is better to know about their availability to discuss in the future.

11. When can I hear feedback from the committee members?

Committee members can take up to six to eight weeks to review the dissertation and provides feedback. Students should prepare on at least 4 months for reviewing the whole work of both the proposal and the final document. If the committee members need any changes in the work, and wish to review the document again before the approval, the students will be given another six weeks time to submit the new draft.

12. Is it all done when I get approval for my final draft?

No. The committee should approve the draft and, sometimes they will warn the students to correct minor problems like spelling mistakes, grammar errors, punctuation errors, and errors in style formatting like APA or MLA formatting. Before the dissertation is considered as completed, the proofreader will proofread the draft, and they will convey the students about the necessary corrections if there are any. It improves the Quality of the Dissertation.

13.What should I do if I miss my deadline?

If a student fails to submit before deadline, the student has early clearance option in the subsequent semester. They will have a chance to submit their work and clear their thesis and dissertation work. Early clearance is nothing but that if the student completes the thesis and dissertation before the deadline, there is no need for the student to pay the registration fee for that semester.

14. Can I add an article in my dissertation that has been published already?

If there is an article that is already published by you and if you wish to add that in your dissertation, you will have to get the publisher’s permission to include it in your thesis work.

Engineering and Technology

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